Turns out there's a word for that CS Lewis called it sehnsucht This German word can be loosely translated as "longing," "pining," or "yearning" It has something to do with the possibility of "more" or "better" To illustrate, think of what you ate for dinner last night For me, this was a grilled sandwich on rye The theme my senior year was "When was the last time you tried something for the first time?", and from that weekend forward, this question has always stuck with me It made me realize that before that weekend, I couldn't remember that last time I had tried something for the first time or had taken a risk " It is a question that expresses what many of us search for all the time – a way to engage and be an active part of this extraordinary time of transformation, NOW It is a search to get in and meaningfully participate within the flow of events that will surely lead to a massive shift in our life as a civilisation, even if we cannot clearly

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A way of doing something that existed for a long time
A way of doing something that existed for a long time-From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English spread spread 1 / spred / S2 W2 verb (past tense and past participle spread) 1 affect more people/places intransitive, transitive SPREAD if something spreads or is spread, it becomes larger or moves so that it affects more people or a larger area spread through Fire quickly spread through the building spread over He watched theThis question was originally answered on

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Note that most answers here focus on OPs request of a word that is "the opposite of halfassing something" Also, to "take their time and do a good job" does hold some ambiguity wrt referring to spending intended amounts of the entity of time, or simply applying sufficient time and effort to the task to ensure a "good job";For example, saying something like car problems have existed for a long time and continue to exist today just isn't as nice as saying Car problems exist hitherto I dunno Continue this threadThat happened or existed in former times, usually at a great distance of time;
How long something has existed In this article we have shared the answer for How long something has existed Word Craze is the best version of puzzle word games at the moment This game presents the best combination of word search, crosswords and IQ games In each level you will be given several clues or questions and you need to find the Secure, anxious, avoidant, and fearfulavoidant, she explains Just like love languages, some of these don't match up very well — and that can spell disaster in the longInfants naive vulnerable pure innocent new
This time we are looking on the crossword puzzle clue for Having existed for a long time it's A 30 letters crossword definition Next time when searching the web for a clue, try using the search term "Having existed for a long time crossword" or "Having existed for a long time crossword clue" when searching for help with your puzzlesFrom Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English tradition tra‧di‧tion / trəˈdɪʃ ə n / S2 W2 noun 1 TRADITION countable, uncountable a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a long time, or these beliefs, customs etc in general the traditions of South East Asia the tradition that the eldest son inherits the property By tradition, it's the bride's parents who pay for Here are all the Long standing way of doing something answers CodyCross is an addictive game developed by Fanatee Are you looking for neverending fun in this exciting logicbrain app?

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Another way to say Been Around For A Long Time?Time definition 1 the part of existence that is measured in minutes, days, years, etc, or this process considered Learn moreFor years idiom forever forever and a day idiom full time immemorial incorruptibility incorruptible incorruptibly languish

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Synonyms for Been Around For A Long Time (other words and phrases for Been Around For A Long Time) have existed for a long time have existed for years have long been have long existed how long have in a long time in a while in ages long time ago lot of timeSpecifically applied to the t NEWHowever, causal loops are unchanging and selforiginating, whereas time loops are constantly resetting when a

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Not recently made or produced; If time is like a torus, it may be cyclical in nature, rather than having always existed or coming into existence a finite amount of time ago We do not, even today, know the origin of timeElderly slightly dim senile lonely sad quiet poorly Stereotypes ;

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Try and try again you will win at last So don't loose your patience better life is on the way Below are those people who proved to be successful without Formal education and ranks These are the legendary people, who are dropouts, failed in schHaving existed from the beginning;Another way to say Long Time?


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Having existed for some time; 25% 0% Live 0000 0301 0301 PLAY SOUND When the first civilizations did begin trading with each other about five thousand years ago, however, many of them got richand fast Trade wasUnremitting adjective mainly literary continuing for a long time without stopping or ever getting better Free thesaurus definition of continuing or existing for too long from the Macmillan English Dictionary a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and

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People get sidestepped into believing time exists as a physical entity because we've invented clocks From a biocentric point of view, time is the inner process that animates consciousness andFor some time ~ for a long period of time now (sense 3) ~ used for saying how long it is since something happened or started "For some time now, " in the sentence above means "For a long (enough) period of time, "It's used for hinting that it's not something just happened yesterday It's been as stated (in the sentence) for quite a whileThe time loop or temporal loop is a plot device in fiction whereby characters reexperience a span of time which is repeated, sometimes more than once, with some hope of breaking out of the cycle of repetition The term "time loop" is sometimes used to refer to a causal loop;

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The answer to this crossword puzzle is 9 letters long and begins with P Below you will find the correct answer to An established or official way of doing something Crossword Clue, if you need more help finishing your crossword continue your navigation and try our search functionSo we all are humans only, we get bored of everything after some time and it's pretty normal If it's something important like your work or studies, try to concentrate because you don't have any choice, atleast for studiesp You can do something tEach world has more than groups with 5 puzzles each Some of the worlds are Planet Earth, Under The Sea, Inventions, Seasons, Circus, Transports Continue reading 'Long standing way of doing something

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You can talk about a way of doing something or a way to do it There is no difference in meaning It continues Note that if you use a possessive with way, you must use 'of' and an 'ing' form after it You do not use a 'to' infinitive They are part of the author's wayHaving done time, gaoled anew;Bolly Brains 6 Meeting your longdistance best friend

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Time has a funny way of making many things irrelevant From wonder gadgets to cutting edge technology, many things soon fall to the wayside with the advances of new features and functionality However, the last 100 years has seen several creations that shatter this mold and endure as essentials of modern lifeAdults (30/40 y/0) work orientated boring starting families settled down Age "the length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed" Stereotypes; "When was the last time I did something for the first time?" And, if you have to think for more than 10 seconds you better come up with something new you will do this weekend Tell me in the comments either what the last firsttime thing you did, or what you are committing to doing this week

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An accepted principle of action or behavior A manner of operating Noun The essential or characteristic customs and conventions of a society or community mores customs practises UKAn old friendship ANCIENT Old; Nearly everyone has gone to the local shop for routine auto maintenance only to drive away after paying a lot more in unexpected charges Most mechanics are honest, hardworking people who only want to help you by pointing out problems you may not know about But some mechanics want to take you and your wallet for a ride If any of these things sound like your

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It's the obvious worry to someone that's been single for a long time that they're going to run out of time — all the catches are going toHaving existed for a long time; In the broader sense, ageing can refer to single cells within an organism which have ceased dividing (cellular senescence) or to the population of a species (population ageing) In humans, ageing represents the accumulation of changes in a human being over time, encompassing physical, psychological, and social changes

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